4 DFG-funded projects, 160 participants, *research highlights, 2 invited talks, 54 posters and more!
March 4-5, 2021 | ZOOM & GATHER
For two days following the PhD Memory Symposium, Berlin-Bochum Speakers will host an online symposium aimed at sharing research highlights, discussing topics of mutual interest and visiting virtual poster sessions on March 4-5, 2021. Invited talks will be given by SFB1315 Advisory Board members Jan Born (Universitätsklinikum Tübingen) and Erin Schuman (MPI Brain, Frankfurt am Main).
Get a quick overview via the Symposium Poster:

Latest Program and Poster Session Overview
All Posters are hosted on website of the SFB 1315, accessible via the links below:
SFB 1315:
A01, A02, A04, A06, A08, B01, B03 – Cakan, B03 – Khakimova, B04, B06, C02
SFB 1280:
SFB 874:
A01, A02, A05, A10, A11, B02, B03, B04, B05, B10, B12, B13
FOR 2812:
FOR2812 reported on the event here >>
* The source of our 4-panel poster template >> is Reshef, O et al. Nat Rev Mater 2020 5, 253-256.
Symposium Organizers:
SFB 874 Speaker Denise Manahan-Vaughan
Integration and Representation of Sensory Processes
SFB 1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum
Mechanisms and Disturbances in Memory Consolidation: From Synapses to Systems
SFB 1280 Speaker Onur Güntürkün
Extinction Learning
FOR 2812 Speaker Sen Cheng
Constructing Scenarios of the Past: A New Framework in Episodic Memory
Project lists >>
Questions? Please contact March 4-5, 2021 Symposium Coordinator> Marylu Grossman