CRC1315 is renewed for a second funding period by the DFG, 2022/2-2026/1

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is celebrating approved funding for the CRC1315’s second round.  A total of 27 principal investigators in 15 scientific projects, 3 service projects are supported administratively by a central project. Two new scientific projects have been added to enhance successful themes and 8 new PIs will join the second round, after having either newly arrived in Berlin or having become aligned with goals of the CRC. Two service projects will continue to coordinate common methodological approaches such as optogenetics, virus synthesis, and behavioral testing across groups, and a robust new infrastructure project will develop strategies for reproducible research and integrate the consortium into ongoing data management initiatives around German and Europe. The aim of the CRC1315’s second funding round is to tackle newly identified research themes brought into focus during the first round including the nature of memory-related activity generated in the hippocampus, the transfer of information from the medial temporal lobe to neocortex, the refinement of ensembles of cells for encoding memories (engrams), the role of sleep, memory loops, and how brain stimulation influences memory.  CRC1315/2 will increase the range of investigations to include both molecular events related to memory and large-scale dynamics of memory consolidation.

Press Links:
NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence press release 08.06.2022
Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung, Pressemitteilung  27.05.2022
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Pressemitteilung Nr. 16 /27. Mai 2022